Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Open Mic at the Co-Op

I have never gone before. It's pretty nice. WPSR does sound which is cool. Only 8 people or so performed, but there was a good crowd of people hanging out, drinking tea, listening, painting. All good stuff.
I played 3 songs, Driftwood, For a Wolf (which is called Great Blue Heron in the demo I have) and Trailer Trash.
I think maybe I'll play something loud and obnoxious tomorrow at Whitson's open mic. Maybe it should be a band centered open mic, with a backline. That would be fucking sweet.
The co-op makes more sense for an all acoustic open mic, though I would still want people to do that at the Whitson's open mic, but also invite sound artists, bands, rappers, djs, performance artists and whoever else to come rage for 10-15 minutes. Depends on how many people show up.

Cool, here's some videos of the songs from tonight

For a Wolf

I understand, my friend
the height of your confusion
You are a tower of flickering lights
Everytime I fall asleep you shine
You shine so bright.

Your love is just like mine
but you have the strength to remember
Maybe, that's how I know that you will live forever

Keep yourself alive
Keep howling at the moon
Someday she'll come down and find you

Trailer Trash

Where I'm from - deep south but close to canada
I got along for the ride, did my part,
sweat it out with a music maker at my throat
The speakers in my throat will see,
To make another speech, we'll see

I'm hopeful for the moment
I'm hopeful for some movement

The sun outcast by orange skies
obstructs my view and then collides
a siren calls but I've already died

We're hopeful for the moment
We're hopeful for a movement

I'm pulled out just to find
that I'm the wreckage left behind
The coroner proclaims an end and gathers up my husk
an organ rattles loosely as my body buzzes,
Ribs are split apart

Seems that I'm alive enough
Though crippled by my neck and pocketbook

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