Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Free Hart

My friend Hart from Zona Mexicana was recently, unjustly, arrested for attempting to take a police officer's gun. This is a fabrication. Please look for any one with a Free Hart petition and show your support.

Facebook Group

“On The Conviction Of The Innocent”

What is it that allows the law, that is, the police- and their word, to have a much higher standing than my own, or your own? Why is it that one officer’s word can make null the words of the masses? I’ve been pondering this issue over the past week as I’ve watched a friend, a student here at Purchase College, go from top to bottom. We are always infatuated with the notion of the fall of people- we spend many hours watching those crime shows and reading novels that culminate in a grand court scene. The ultimate judgement. The final judgement. There is something so apocalyptic in the judge, the jury- deciding our fate. What is to come of me? Will they allow me my freedom, or will they throw me into a jail cell? Will they open the gates of heaven, or will they cast me into hell? When our freedom rests on the minds of the unaffected, surely hell is the most obvious option.
And hell is what the main character of my story is destined to experience. We shall call him Hart Seely: for that is his name in this story, and in real life as well. This is a story about the injustice of our court system, and to talk about this I have to adapt a new voice, that is, the voice of the court itself.
On the night of Friday, April 17th, Hart Seely was arrested. It was dark, it was chaotic- it was Culture Shock. We all know about Culture Shock. The once a year festival at our university where we get a chance to celebrate the spring, the upcoming summer, the completion of (hopefully) a successful semester of learning, thinking and working. We all want a celebration for a job well done, and this is what we hope to accomplish through this great music festival. Back to the narrative. It was during Streetlight Manifesto. It was wild celebration and there was a mosh pit. Emerging from this setting there are three stories: Hart’s story, the story of the police at the time of the arrest, and the story of the police the day after the arrest. We will examine Hart’s story first.
Hart was standing by the edge of the mosh pit during Streetlight Manifesto. The police kept stopping the band and telling the crowd that they must move back. “Take three steps back” was the catch phase of their set. The band was forced to stop playing multiple times in order for the cops to tell everybody to move back. Implied with this is that the crowd was too close to the barricades and the police that were positioned directly in front of the stage. Conversely, the police were too close to the crowd and needed some room- from the students, and from the mosh pit. Hart was pushed back by someone in the mosh pit, and accidentally hit into deputy King- a Westchester County police officer. More specifically, Hart’s hand hit into the officer’s hat. The officer immediately pulled Hart out of the crowd while he was pleading to know “What did I do?”, and the officer replied, “You know what you did”. Hart was arrested.
Now, just after this, that is, after he was pulled out of the crowd, I watched the arrest. Once Hart was put into a squad car, I walked up to the group of officers talking about what just happened. This is the story of the police of the night of the arrest. One officer, who I later found to be deputy King, was telling the other officers how Hart had hit into his hat, and it (that is, the hat) got pushed over his face. I caught the tail end of this story, so I asked another officer what happened. He conveyed the same story to me as I stood there in disbelief that Hart would do something like this on purpose. And yes, I know that if he had any drinks at all that night, he was not drunk enough to make a decision as dumb as that.
The next day, Hart gets back from jail. Yes, from jail. He accidentally hit into a person and spent the night at UPD, where he shared the facilities with a student who had taken psychedelics, and was vomiting all over himself for hours. In response to this, the a UPD officer came into the room, and told the student who was repeatedly vomiting on himself to “Get in the bathroom.” and threatened that if he didn’t, he would “break his neck”. These are the people who decide our fate- people who use physical intimidation and death to get their point across. I think maybe a word for this type of person is a “thug”. Listen, I’m not a scoundrel, I’m a student with rights.
Hart spent the next morning in jail cell in Valhalla. He was shipped to a cell outside of our humble campus at around 11:00 AM, where he was finally informed of what he was being accused of. Bear in mind, this is about twelve hours after he was dragged out of the crowd, while being told “You know what you did.” This cell was shared with a few people, some coming and some going. Among these were real criminals, you know, people who had actually done something wrong, such as being found with pounds of illegal drugs. And this is our Hart Seely, innocent and wrongfully accused. Now, overnight he became even more wrongfully accused, if you could imagine such a thing. Overnight, the police changed his story to not only purposefully hitting the cop’s hat, but added, yes in addition to this, that he was attempting to steal the officer’s gun. This new charge became so much the emphasis that the original offense, in which he was arrested for, has faded into the background.

“Hart Seely is accused of assault on a police officer, and attempted robbery of a police officer’s firearm”.

Hart Seely has been suspended from school. He is allowed to finish out his classes for this semester, but is not allowed in any residence area. He is not allowed to go into his room. This presents a large set of problems for someone whose home is in Syracuse and does not own a car. Next semester he is completely suspended from school. From this, what can we deduce? He is allowed on campus- and therefore is not a real threat. Even the administration knows that he is not a real threat, or else he would be never allowed at the university again. If Hart was someone who legitimately had criminal intentions, he would rightfully not be welcomed at a place where we advocate safe learning, and yet they still attempt to ruin his clean streak at Purchase College. At his hearing within the school, deputy King did not even show up. He has ultimately condemned a student, but does not care enough to come to his hearing and say “he is guilty”. Yet, with the lack of the accuser, or, the lack the police officer, the judicial board did not listen to my own story of the arrest, or the multiple character witnesses that included two professors. His criminal court case is on May 12th. Read that again- “His criminal court case.” Is Hart a criminal? You tell me. Tell them. Whether or not you are a detractor of the police- whether you are an anarchist or a fascist- surely you can see there is something wrong here. Something here is not right, something here is not just. As a student body, we can not let these charges stand. We must act, because it could be me who stumbles on the wrong person. Because next time it could be you who stumbles on the wrong person. I hope that when that happens you will be there for me, because I will be there for you. If we let the police get away with these false accusations, we are affectively letting them take a shit on us, as students and believers in justice, as a whole. This is the same justice that these police are installed in order to protect. Read this. Think about this. Do not let this story go, because it is more than a story, it is someone’s life. There has not been a moment in my time at this university that has been more urgent- and I can’t say for sure in yours, but I’m sure you can still see the importance. We are students. We are forward thinking. We are educated. We don’t just accept things, it is our tradition as students- from Europe in the mid 1800s to the United States in the mid 1900s, to Greece just a few months ago, to Purchase now? Only if you want it. Only if you care.

If you want to know what you can do, if you are dedicated, if you have an idea of what to do, no matter how large or how small, e-mail me. There is a petition that will be sent to our school’s president along with anyone else it should concern. Sign it.


-Alex Moskowitz

P.S. Reprint this. Give it to people. Tell the story. Make it your own note and tag as many people as possible. Slip it under doors. Spend $10 (of the printing account) at the library and make 500 copies. Do whatever you want with this. Spread the word. We wont let this stand.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Earthday lazy

I'm lazy, take an earth day quiz. It's pretty cool


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Battle of the Bands and other stuff

It was the best 6 minutes of my life, up there on the stage with all eyes on me.
It's like the most bizarre open mic I've ever been to.
I went to the studio this morning. We recorded tons of percussion with Matt Gaffney. He brought some cans and blocks and a concert bass drum and a waterphone which is the coolest shit.

tonight I have a show at WORK gallery in Red Hook, BK
it's outdoors and it's raining
but the girl on the phone seemed really nice.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another successful open-mic for bands. Recording?

So tonight we had the following play songs for us.
Mike Amacio (of Donner Party Picnic)
Sam Valentine
Hill.And (Hillary Anderson)
Christopher Wojdak
Weird Korova
Charlie Phillips
Vince Vonnegut
Zona Mexicana

It was sweet.

Good vibes all around and a nice variety of music.

In other news, Dan Stringer and I have kept working on the acoustic business. It sounds great, but I don't want to even give you a taste until we have something on the next level. It's happening. The power of simple instruments and honest songs combined with studio magic and arranging is a great thing.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Zombie Prom, Data Dog, Kyle's recital

Been a few days.

Zombie Prom was great. It was a litttle rough on my sanity at times, but I never have to work sound for it again.
Donner Party Picnic plays their first show of the weekend. Probably my favorite act at Zombie Prom, but Skeleton Breath was pretty badass as well.
The 999 Eyes Freak Show did their thing.

999 EYES FREAKSHOW PROMO from laurent martin on Vimeo.

Data Dog album release. This is so awesome, go to their site and buy it. 13 tracks of awesome. http://datadogmusic.com/
Twin Sister played a really great set. This band plays really nice music. I have their four song, you should get that at a show if you can.
Donner Party Picnic plays their second show.

Kyle Pollard's junior recital. Studio Comp recital = throw an awesome show.
Kyle started playing solo on an acoustic guitar. Then he broke a string and distortefied the firebird. Good seqway
I played a solo set with the guitar and the effects and it was really fun. I like playing my acoustic songs with more texture. I should start playing like this with a band. Elemeno is awesome.
Now that is on the internet and I will self plug myself into fame.
Donner Party Picnic plays their third show.
We Are Not Bears played last. This is Kyles band, ex-koala, no audio on line to be found. They are finishing up their EP/demo right now. I like these guys. It's James and Will from Disaster Piece playing bass and drums. Kyle guitar/vocals.
When they put sopmething up, I'll let you know.

After all that, I hit the studio with Dan Stringer to start on the acoustic ep. We finished acoustic guitar and vox for the song Home. Check out the demo version on myspace
Tonight is cello, female vocals and percussion. Electric guitar is coming.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Recently, my ears are happy

It might be cool for me to tell you what I'm digging on right now. Maybe it will be a weekly/bi-weekly/once sort of thing.
You dig?

Just found this 5 minutes ago but it's killer

Drawing Trees
It reminds me a little of Data Dog and Pele at the same time. It's very cool, the debutt album "Grocery Store" comes out at the end of April.

This Town Needs Guns
Damiera & Anathallo lovechild. It has the easy to swallow characteristics of hopeful music, but it still sounds honest and is not strapped down to a single grid. Flowy music. I first heard their newest album Animals and upon inspecting their earlier material, I'm really happy.
The guitar work is nuts, the arrangements are comfortable. The vocals have me at odds. It has a lot of Anthony Green flavor. Suits the music well.

Curtis Mayfield - awesome. The soundtrack to walking like a total badass.

Algernon Cadwallader
Probably my favorite band right now. I get really stoked on life listening to this. I should get them to play at Purchase next year.

Tell me that wouldn't be an awesome basement to be in.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Open Mic is the best ever.

So tonight I was supposed to do sound for open mic. I did, but the open mic at the stood usually sucks recently (for no reasons I am willing to make enemies over)
Either way, I decided after last night that open mic in the stood should be about bands rather than poetry or solo singer song-writers.
Disaster Piece or Distaster played, depending on what our final name is (despite the fact that I haven't brought up Distaster yet, maybe it's only me that thinks Distaster is a sweet name for a band about how fucked up humans as a race are)
Then there was a single poet reciting a monologue about a character he invented.
Finally Weird Korea played which is a band with Matt Palmer and Nick Corbo (My Son Cool/Weird Korea)
Weird Korea played almost an entire set tonight thanks to the 3 performing entities total. It was great. Usually I hear them practicing single songs for a day or so constantly, but apparently it works because they have plenty of songs to play a set with currently.

I am torn, to play battle of the bands, which I will lose to a very ill funk band, or play an outdoor show in a parking lot for pratt kids.

Art school girls are super cute.
Purchase has some artsy women as well.
My decision is variable, but mostly solid,
Invite me to re-determine what I hold dear
Make me feel uncomfortable

Here's some Disaster Piece/Distaster audio of our song Germs -

Disaster Piece/Distaster - Germs
Naturally, I haven't talked to the guy that started the band about the name modification

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Open Mic at the Co-Op

I have never gone before. It's pretty nice. WPSR does sound which is cool. Only 8 people or so performed, but there was a good crowd of people hanging out, drinking tea, listening, painting. All good stuff.
I played 3 songs, Driftwood, For a Wolf (which is called Great Blue Heron in the demo I have) and Trailer Trash.
I think maybe I'll play something loud and obnoxious tomorrow at Whitson's open mic. Maybe it should be a band centered open mic, with a backline. That would be fucking sweet.
The co-op makes more sense for an all acoustic open mic, though I would still want people to do that at the Whitson's open mic, but also invite sound artists, bands, rappers, djs, performance artists and whoever else to come rage for 10-15 minutes. Depends on how many people show up.

Cool, here's some videos of the songs from tonight

For a Wolf

I understand, my friend
the height of your confusion
You are a tower of flickering lights
Everytime I fall asleep you shine
You shine so bright.

Your love is just like mine
but you have the strength to remember
Maybe, that's how I know that you will live forever

Keep yourself alive
Keep howling at the moon
Someday she'll come down and find you

Trailer Trash

Where I'm from - deep south but close to canada
I got along for the ride, did my part,
sweat it out with a music maker at my throat
The speakers in my throat will see,
To make another speech, we'll see

I'm hopeful for the moment
I'm hopeful for some movement

The sun outcast by orange skies
obstructs my view and then collides
a siren calls but I've already died

We're hopeful for the moment
We're hopeful for a movement

I'm pulled out just to find
that I'm the wreckage left behind
The coroner proclaims an end and gathers up my husk
an organ rattles loosely as my body buzzes,
Ribs are split apart

Seems that I'm alive enough
Though crippled by my neck and pocketbook