Sunday, August 3, 2008

Well, HIV, it's been fun. Asshole.

So it looks like maybe there's been a turning point in HIV research. Good, cause I wanted to volunteer for that huge nationwide field test in july.
I could have made $750 and felt like a really responsible, forward thinking citizen. Oh well, all hope is not lost. The world could really use a vaccine, pronto.
Let's look at some statistics.

Ok they're really depressing so I'm going to post a few links so you can see for yourself.

AVERT, a UK based HIV/AIDS charity. It has a good breakdown of statistics, both globally and regionally.

The CDC is another kind of sketchy, but still pretty important American Center for Disease Control. Lot's of information, but stats are only dated up to 2006. I know it's only two years, but for a disease that has only been identified for less than 30 years, 2 years is a long time.

The UN has the official UNAIDS/WHO numbers. Same stuff AVERT uses, but it seems more official.

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